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The virtual course “Comprehensive Management of Air Quality and Health in the Framework of Climate Action: Guidance for decision makers in Central America and the Dominican Republic” has concluded

Updated: Sep 20

This course, part of the "Advancing towards achieving air quality, climate, and health goals in the SICA region" project funded by the Clean Air and Climate Coalition (CCAC), was designed and facilitated by the Clean Air Institute. Its objective was to strengthen the capacities of government professionals in Central America responsible for air quality management and health protection, within the framework of the Regional Integrated Program on Climate Change, Air Quality, and Health in the SICA countries.

The nine-week course covered topics such as ambient air quality in the context of climate change and health, household air pollution, the health impacts of air pollution, and the design of integrated management plans for air quality, climate change, and health.

A total of 42 professionals from the ministries or secretariats of environment and health in the eight SICA member states, along with four representatives from SICA institutions, strengthened their knowledge in integrated management air quality, health, and climate change. As a final outcome, country-specific project proposals were developed, summarizing each country's current situation, progress in integrated management, and a portfolio of key priority interventions to achieve the SICA region's air quality, climate, and health goals.

This important initiative was made possible thanks to the valuable support of the Pan American Health Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Clean Air and Climate Coalition, the Central American Commission on Environment and Development (CCAD), the Executive Secretariats  of the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America and the Dominican Republic (SE-COMISCA), and the Central American Institute of Public Administration (ICAP).   

In the coming weeks, a self-paced version of the course will be available on the PAHO Virtual Health Campus for those interested.



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