Integrated Action Plan on Health, Air Quality and Climate Change in Central American Countries
Financed by: Pan American Health Organization.
Partners: Pan American Health Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo del Sistema para la Integración Centroamericana.
Location: Central America and the Dominican Republic.
Year: 2023.

Project description
CAI assisted in the consolidation of the Integrated Action Plan on Health, Air Quality, and Climate Change in the SICA region. For this, it participated in completing the baseline or diagnostic analysis of the region in the following areas, as well as establishing recommendations:
Governance and intersectorality.
Existing regulations and policies.
Air quality monitoring.
Emissions inventory.
Health impact assessments.
Initiatives to improve air quality and health.
Financing mechanisms.
The main product of this technical assistance was the Integrated Roadmap for Air Quality, Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Mitigation, and Health for the SICA Region, which consists of six strategic lines and 20 measures that were designed based onregional (Central America and the Dominican Republic) and national priorities.
The implementation of the roadmap will strengthen and harmonize the comprehensive management of air quality and the actions to reduce emissions of criteria pollutants and short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in the SICA countries, with the aim of reducing the impacts of air pollution and climate change on population health and the environment, and advancing towards achieving the values of the WHO Air Quality Guidelines and the SDG targets of the 2030 Agenda, within the framework of various existing regional instruments on health, environment, and climate.