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We work
to ensure people 
can breathe
clean air

The Clean Air Institute works with nations and cities to accelerate transformational changes for abating air pollution and mitigating climate change.

Our purpose is to protect public health and help to achieve sustainable development goals.

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We are an international reference center for improving air quality and mitigate climate change

Here at Clean Air Institute, we are driven by a single mission: to do our part in protecting human health and environment by  improving air quality and mitigating climate change. We help to create, catalyze and implement high-impact decisions at local, national and international scales, informed by the best available knowledge and supported by the engagement of key stakeholders. We strive to build productive partnership and make a positive and effective impact with all of our pursuits.

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Our programs

Our Programs


Abate urban air pollution

With our organization’s mission in mind, we strive to catalyze the development and implementation of comprehensive actions to reduce air pollution in cities around the world. Deployment of cost-effective solutions is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to inform and engage multiple stakeholders to make a long-lasting positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.

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Low carbon mobility for all

At Clean Air Institute, we are dedicated to transform transport cities to reduce emissions while improving mobility, accessibility and quality of life. We help governments, private sector and communities to develop an put in practice Integrated Environmental Strategies to make a difference in the way people get access to work, school, recreation and social life to reduce their footprint on the environment while enhancing development opportunities.


Reinforcing Business Commitment

With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for enhancing business performance while reducing their pollution and carbon footprint. With access to the right knowledge and tools, companies can become empowered by their own opportunities and gain the confidence to improve their environmental performance and social recognition. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.

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